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Please continue with part 2
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I have a strong sense of belonging to a group or community.
I am good at putting ideas into practice.
I don't like to be too structured in my life.
If I have a problem I tend to talk it through with others.
I never know where I'll be in six or twelve months time.
In solving new problems I usually try to weigh up all the options and then decide what to do.
I need to be by the sea or in the country as often as possible.
I always trust instinct.
I don't try to work things out too much.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I know I am doing what is right for me.
I gain a sense of calm in a natural environment.
I reflect upon the past quite often.
Creativity sometimes breaks through and I understand things more clearly or do things differently.
I do not want to live in the centre of a big city.
I tend to rely more on knowledge and expertise.
I have never stolen anything.
If my life were routine I would die of boredom.
I rarely make step by step plans.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Often I am overwhelmed by emotions, sometimes positive, sometimes negative.
I sometimes find myself in a creative flow where the idea or task seems to take over.
It is important to have a plan, but not necessarily to follow it rigidly.
Emotional security is very important to me.
I consider the past in my decisions about the future.
Good ideas just seem to come to me.
When I'm angry I find it difficult to think clearly.
I have a fear of flying.
I am a very emotional person and often speak before thinking.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I sometimes make huge leaps of faith.
I live for today.
When I have a problem I tend to wait for a solution to come to mind.
I would say I am an artistic or creative person.
I gain support and confidence from colleagues and friends.
My ideas can be brilliant, but others execute them better.
I never think about the future.
I am often driven by strong feelings.
I am confident in my training and experience.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Social structures are a source of strength and support.
Sometimes I am totally confident, yet other times it can all fall away,
I have achieved a good balance between emotion and thought.
I tend to act by instinct rather than analysing every step.
I sometimes feel joyous beyond words.

About you (Optional)

Your age

Your gender

Your role

Thank you - and to finish

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You are welcome to comment on any aspect of this Beta version of the SILM® Coaching Scale in the text box below. If you wish to discuss any issues that may have arisen as a result of completing the questionnaire you may contact the author in confidence via email: